Iluka Resources Limited
Upgrades to Rare Earth Refinery Plant access road
Scope of work:
Shoulder widening
Compact all fill areas to achieve embankment foundation compaction
Import fill and form embankments
Remix existing shoulder incorporating existing pavement material to nominated width, using a stabiliser, grader, roller, water carts.
Trim and compact final surface to form final surface suitable for sealing.
Existing pavement repairs
Profile or boxout rut area for repair
Clean out and apply seal, topup with asphalt and compact
Prepare areas for sealing
Pavement construction
Topup 50mm and wet mix existing pavement incorporating existing seal into pavement using Stabiliser, grader, 2x rollers and 2x water cart, mixing and conditioning to a depth of 150mm.
Testing to ensure specified compaction is achieved
Compacted gravel trimmed to within tolerances and rolling using a Final Trim Grader and Multi Wheel Roller to prepare surface for sealing
Asphalting & Linemarking
Management of sub-contractor
Completion date : 7 February 2024